Monitoring the daily evolution of the gas balancing market can be tedious and time-consuming, with a large amount of manually managed data and the regular daily frequency necessary to follow the activity on the market.
Artesian simplifies this operation and drastically reduces the time spent.
Let’s see how, step by step.
The goal
Monitor the evolution of the gas system balance
Let’s use Artesian to recreate the graph of the market operating data and be able to monitor the evolution of the gas system balance in the current day.
For further information, the reference file is available.
Let's select the market data
First, I log into my Artesian account and select the market data I need through the available tools:
- Search by classification, choosing the SNAM provider.
- Textual search, looking for part of the name of the market data that interests me.
- Proceed to select the market data identifier for the activity.
Repeat this operation for each market data, complete all the necessary selections and verify, as shown in the image, that there are no errors.
Let's proceed with the analysis
The next step concerns the extraction of market data for analysis.
Extraction can occur through any BI (Business Intelligence) tool thanks to the use of the exposed APIs.
For simplicity, a default Excel report downloaded from the portal will be used in this case.
The configured extraction is as shown in the image below, with the following parameters:
- The date range is set, defining two ways corresponding to “Yesterday” and “Today”. It allows an updated view of the data.
- I use the last 24 versions to see how my data varies daily.
- The granularity of the extraction will be daily.
- Download the Excel file by pressing the “Download Excel” button.
With the downloaded file, it is sufficient to:
- Update the Excel data (through authentication).
- Create a PivotTable Report on our data based on the Market Data Name field.
- Generate the chart similar to the one on the Operating Data report.
The result will be a graph similar to this one:
The automation
Speed up data preparation with automation
At this point, it has a regularly updated view of SNAM data with an Update button to obtain the latest information when required.
It is sufficient to employ just once and then have it entirely reproducible and automated in our workflow.
Not only does it save you time, but it allows you to minimize human errors caused by repeated operations on substantial amounts of data or different Excel files.
An undeniable advantage that allows us to focus on data analysis instead of its management and optimization.